HISK - Tentoonstelling

New Songs for Old Cities

New Songs for Old Cities
  • Datum

    23/01/2021 28/02/2021
  • Locatie

    Netwerk Aalst, Houtkaai 15, Aalst, BE
  • curated by

    Danielle Géo, Piet Mertens & Pieternel Vermoortel

New Songs for Old Cities is an exhibition that brings together ideas of residence, public address and art in an urban context. Discover how the Higher Institute for Fine Arts residents reflect upon how their work can inhabit a cityscape and the potential resonance of their artistic voice. A song can populate a place, provide a narrative, create a background, ranging from delightful, critical to unbearable painful. The immaterial nature of a song allows it to come and go, stick a little longer or disappear to be rediscovered and gain new meaning along the way.

New Songs for Old Cities marks the beginning of a structural collaboration between Netwerk Aalst, HISK and Stad Aalst

Send your preferred time slot to info@netwerkaalst.be.
In order to guarantee a safe visit, the number of people will be limited through time slots. Every half hour a new time slot starts and gives you access for one hour. The first time slot begins at 1 pm, the last at 5 pm.

Would you prefer to visit at a different time? The exhibition runs until Sunday 28 February and is open from Thursday to Sunday, 1 pm till 6 pm, or by appointment via info@netwerkaalst.be.