Aziz Dani

Aziz Hazara





the intellectual and theoretical curiosity which informs the visual exploration of my work takes shape across a variety of artistic media: from participatory installations to soundscapes, from video to photography, from text to programmed languages.

My interest in the issues of memory, archive, surveillance, the panopticon and politics of representation is deeply entrenched in the geopolitics and in the never-ending conflict that afflicts my native Afghanistan. The relevance of such issues, however, overcome geographical specificities and appeal to a contemporary condition that is globally shared.

Featured events

470px Threshold Diego Lama

The Upper Hand

09/08/2020 - 10:00 30/08/2020 - 11:00
HISK Open Studios 2020, Oussama Tabti, photo Diego Lama

Open Studios 2020

18/09/2020 21/09/2020
  HISK - Open Studios
Aziz Hazarz Bow Echo 3
New Songs for Old Cities

New Songs for Old Cities

23/01/2021 28/02/2021
Netwerk Aalst, Houtkaai 15, Aalst, BE HISK - Tentoonstelling
TBOT Aankondiging Website
  HISK - Digitaal platform
Paradise Kortrijk, 2021

Paradise Kortrijk

26/06/2021 24/10/2021
Kortrijk, BE
Sonsbeek Quadrennial, 2021

Sonsbeek 20>24. Agora

02/07/2021 29/08/2021
Sonsbeek Park, Arnhem, NL HISK - Tentoonstelling
Exhibition view: Aziz Hazara, Bani Abidi, and Prabhakar Pachpute, Gardens as Thought Form: Lexicons for Revolution. Courtesy Experimenter.
Experimenter, Kolkata, IN Tentoonstelling