das wort ozean, 2019, cover
das wort ozean, 2019

das wort ozean ist ca. 20 quadratmillimeter groß

das wort ozean ist ca. 20 quadratmillimeter groß (the word ocean is about 20 square millimeter in size). Thus is the title of this particular publication, edited by myself on the kind invitation of Daniella Géo with the artists at HISK Higher Institute for Fine Arts in Ghent, Belgium. It is the eponymous title of the original text written by Tomas Schmit for, and published in, GAGARIN volume 8 #1 in 2004. Tomas Schmit (1943 - 2006) was an artist and author. He was one of the pioneers of the Fluxus movement. It was his correspondence with George Maciunas that made possible a theoretical discussion on the political and aesthetic concept of the Fluxus period possible.

Just like GAGARIN - the global magazine I published between 2000 an 2016, comprising a series of 33 issues documenting the early part of this century through artist's writings, this new publication lends the platform exclusively to the artists. It takes a special editorial stance that happened to coincide with a quote from John Baldessari: "Talking about art simply is not art. Talk can be art, but then it is not talking about art." These are the very last words of John Baldessari's elaborate answer to question number 110: "What are the dangers of too much verbalisation about art? What does 'too much' mean? What kind of people fear verbalisation?" The questions for the interview, prepared by Meg Cranston, were taken from Lester D. Longman's book 911 Questions on Art (William C. Brown Publishers, Dubuque, Iowa, 1950). Exactly which of those 911 questions were to be asked was determined by the throw of the dice. The full interview was published in the Journal of Contemporary Art, Volume 2, #2, Fall/Winter 1989.

Wilfried Huet

Published in conjunction with the HISK laureates 2019 exhibition "An island of multiple bridges", from November 21st till December 15th, 2019. With contributions from Sofia Caesar, Lisette de Greeuw, Francesca Ferreri, Eva Giolo, Megan-Leigh Heilig, Sina Hensel, Roel Heremans, Mirthe Klück, Hannah Mevis, Mark Požlep, Bárbara Sánchez Barroso, Gintautė Skvernytė and Ingel Vaikla. Concept and editing Wilfried Huet.

ISBN: 9789079374083

€ 25 (excl. shipping)

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