
Ulrike Lindmayr

Ulrike Lindmayr (°1962) worked in Vienna as an editor on international art journals and newspapers. She was an exhibition-maker in various European countries and coordinator for several institutions as well as an advisor at the Flemish Government on art in the public space.

In 2007 the non-profit centre ‘LLS 387 ruimte voor actuele Kunst’ was opened in Antwerp with Lindmayr as its initiator. LLS 387 is a small-scale exhibition space, where the structural and intrinsic homogenization of the art world is discussed and where the artist’s input has a key role. In addition to solo shows, LLS 387 also holds sizeable thematic exhibitions, whose unconventional approach makes a unique contribution to the discourse in contemporary art. Lindmayr was artistic director of LLS 387 from 2007 till 2017.

In 2011 Ulrike Lindmayr was co-founder of ESCAUTVILLE, an organization for the promotion, production and distribution of the audiovisual work of artists.

Gastdocent in

2003, 2014, 2019