
Renzo Martens

Renzo Martens (°1973) has been working for a number of years on a series of three films that attempt to interpret the world through the function the world has for the viewer. A project that wishes to explore the relation between viewer and viewed, rather than subject itself to it, it cannot allow itself to re-present. These films are thus not so much an attempt to represent external phenomena, as an attempt to embody the inner functioning of these phenomena. The first film in the series, Episode I, is a recording of Martens' activities in Chechnya. It was first presented in late 2003 at the Fons Welters Gallery in Amsterdam. A clip from Episode III was shown in 2008 at De Appel in Amsterdam, at Manifesta 7 and at the first Brussels Biennale. In his practice Renzo Martens examines the role of the camera in places of severe political unrest, conflict or poverty; utilising performance and satire to create pseudo-documentaries that raise questions about the use of journalism, images and media.

Gastdocent in

2014, 2012, 2016