
Iris Paschalidis

Iris Paschalidis holds the title of head of collections at S.M.A.K. in Ghent. After studying classical languages in high school and besides severe training in music Iris Paschalidis first graduated in Visual Arts (Painting) and afterwards in Art Sciences, respectively in Brussels and in Ghent. She started her career at the Richard Foncke Gallery in Ghent and soon expanded her working field to project-driven assignments embedded in several art institutions and organizations (a.o. Jan Van Eyck Academy, De Witte Raaf, radio Klara,…). She worked for the Collection of the Flemish Community (Agency for Arts and Heritage), until her appointment at S.M.A.K. in 2012, where she is working as a curator as well as head of collections. She is continuously active in writing about and curating contemporary art. It is the duality of both practical and theoretical education and living in arts that makes her reading of and approach to visual arts particular and dynamic. Recent exhibitions and texts: Motel Corona - S.M.A.K., No More Boring Art! - PXL Mad School of Arts Hasselt, Liliane Vertessen - TICK TACK Antwerp, The House of Opportunity - CC De Steiger Menen, Highlights for a Future – S.M.A.K.,…

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