
Frank Maes

Frank Maes (°1972) is an art historian.

He got a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture at LUCA (University of Leuven, Campus Sint- Lucas Gent), followed by a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree in Art Studies and Archaeology at the University of Gent.
He began his carreer in the cultural sector with the start-up of the Cultural Centre of Koksijde (1999-2001).
From 2001 until 2010 he worked in S.M.A.K., the Museum of Contemporary Art in Gent (as curator and senior curator) and in the department of Culture of the City of Gent.
From 2010 until 2014 he was lecturer in KASK (Royal Academy for Fine Arts, School of Arts, University of Gent) and in LUCA (University of Leuven, Campus Sint-Lukas Brussel).
In 2011 en 2012 he was part-time collaborator of Netwerk / centre for contemporary art in Aalst.
Since 2013, he is director of Emergent, a cooperative gallery for contemporary art in Veurne (Furnes, Belgium).
He prepares a PhD about the Canadian sculptor Royden Rabinowitch at the University of Amsterdam (supervisor prof. Christa-Maria Lerm Hayes), entitled: Modern Ontology, Epistomology and Ethical Dilemmas in the oeuvre of Royden Rabinowitch.
From 2015 until 2019 he was co-founder and Administrator of the Marcel Broodthaers Foundation in Brussels.
Since 1999 he publishes about contemporary art and architecture. He was (consulting) editor of Janus magazine.
He served regularly as advisor for the integration of art in public places or buildings, a.o. for the Flemish Community, several Belgian cities, Robbrecht&Daem and De Vylder/Vinck/Tailleu architects

Gastdocent in

2021, 2022