
Bernhard Rüdiger

Bernhard Rüdiger was born in Italy, (Rome, 1964), and lives and works in Paris. He graduated from the Accademia di Belle Arti in Milan with Luciano Fabro, and teaches today in Lyon where he directs the research programm Contemporary Art and historical temporalities. Since 1986, he has taken part in many group shows (Padiglione d'Arte Contemporanea Milan 1989, 1998, Centro per l'Arte Contemporanea Luigi Pecci, Prato 1990, 1998, Museum Moderner Kunst Vienna 1991, Magasin de Grenoble 1992, Contemporary Art Museum Caracas, Bogota and Buenos Aires 1992, the Venice Biennale 1993, 1999, 2011, the Rome Quadriennale Palazzo delle Esposizioni 1996, 2008, PS1 New-York 1999, Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille 2006, Ostrale Dresden 2013, Petach Tikva Museum of Art, Israel 2013, Museion Bolzano 2014, Fondazione Palazzo Albizzini Collezione Burri Città di Castello 2015, Triennale Milan, Ennesima 2015) and solo exhibitions (Christian Stein Gallery Turin and Milan, Michel Rein Gallery Tours and Paris, Krings-Ernst Gallery Colone, Traversée zeitgenössische Kunst Munich, Bernard Bouche Gallery Paris, GDM… Paris and in the Centre de Création Contemporaine, Tours 1996, les Abattoirs de Toulouse 1997, Centre d'art La Galerie de Noisy-le-Sec 1999, Museo d'arte moderna di Bologna 1999, Château des Adhémar centre d'art contemporain Montélimar 2006, FRAC Languedoc-Roussillon and ESBAMA de Montpellier 2015). He was editor of the magazine Tiracorrendo and co-founder of the artists' gallery Lo Spazio di Via Lazzaro Palazzi, a busy venue in the Milan art scene from 1989 to 1993.

Bernhard Rüdiger's works confront visitors with a physical experience involving object, body and space. At once sculptures, monumental models and architectures, through their meticulous spatial and acoustic arrangement, his works seek to make history ring out, and in particular the history of places: in Sonne Mond und Sterne vom 13 bis zum 15 Februar 1945 (2010), a German nursery rhyme and the position of the stars in the Dresden sky, during those three days of bombing, establish liaisons between the form of the revolving structure, and the meaning which is released by it. Rüdiger's works also propose direct physical experiences: the windmill of Petrolio (Locus desertus) (2006) -Petrolio is the title of the last unfinished political and artistic project by Pier Paolo Pasolini- a bel rings in reaction to the force of the wind and broadcast the sound on the roofs of the city of Montélimar. In Ku Klux Klan (2007), suspended hollow sculptures offer both the protective space of the hat - you can slip underneath them and put your head in them - and the dark and hidden place from which you can look at the world through holes. The possibility that the work can react to the visitor's presence or to natural elements, and that it sends the echo back to it, also underpins the artist's approach. In Trumpet N.7 (Petrolio) (2002), the footsteps and voices of passers-by act on a powerful organ-like structure with horizontal pipes, whose vibrations, on the other hand, penetrate the exhibition venue and the visitor's body. All Rüdiger's projects are systematically accompanied by studies and models in cardboard, wood, iron, etc. But they are far more than mere stages in a creative process: they constitute parts of the fully-fledged work, and are involved in specific presentations.

Gastdocent in

2018, 2019