
Ilse Roosens

Ilse Roosens is a curator working at Mu.ZEE in Ostend. Post-colonial, geopolitical, ecofeminist and post-capitalist topics lay the groundwork for her projects both inside and outside the museum context. She questions existing power structures and focuses on the social responsibility of institutions, governments and artists. Co-authorship and polyphony are focal points of her working ethic. She is actively rethinking the formats for presenting the Mu.ZEE collection by experimenting with transhistorical and transcultural concepts.

At Mu.ZEE Ilse Roosens curated exhibitions such as ‘Carsten Höller. Videoretrospective with Two Lightmachines’ (2016), ‘Frans Masereel and contemporary art: images of resistance’ (2017) and ‘Wintrum Frod. Orla Barry & Els Dietvorst’ (2019). She published several catalogues and curated different public programmes accompanying the exhibitions. Prior to Mu.ZEE she worked at S.M.A.K. Ghent and Extra City Kunsthal in Antwerp and as a freelance curator and mediator. At the moment she is preparing a solo show with Maarten Vanden Eynde in collaboration with curator Katerina Gregos and a group show about photography.

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