
Eva González-Sancho Bodero

Eva González-Sancho Bodero (Spain) is a curator, with a special interest in definitions of new models of contemporary art and its production, the construction of public space, language, and art practices defined as ‘non-authoritarian’. González- Sancho was director and curator at MUSAC, León (ES) [2013] and FRAC Bourgogne, Dijon (FR) [2003-2011]; curator and director of Etablissement d'en Face Projects (Brussels, 1998-2003; and lecturer in the History of Exhibitions at Metz University [2001-2004]. She has set up and directed several artists’ residency programs in France. She has been responsible for curating over 50 exhibitions at different art centres, of which half have involved the production of new work. She has developed projects with artists Dora García, Rita McBride, Koenraad Dedobbeleer, Sven Augustijnen, Jonas Dahlberg, Guillaume Leblon, Pedro Cabrita Reis, Matthew Buckingham, and Lisa Tan, among many others. Her curatorial projects include: Lofoten International Art Festival (LIAF) 2013; the solo exhibition by Dora García: Where Do Characters Go When The Story is Over?, (CGAC, Galician Centre for Contemporary Art, 2009); Armando Andrade Tudela’s exhibition: Hier, Aujourd'hui, Demain, Aujourd'hui, Demain, Hier, Aujourd'hui and the exhibition TIGHT: Rita McBride & Koenraad Dedobbeleer (2008), both at FRAC Bourgogne. Following OSLO PILOT (2015-17), an experimental research-based project aimed to define the format for a biennial in Oslo, OSLOBIENNALEN FIRST EDITION opened on May 2019. Jointly curated by Eva González-Sancho and Per Gunnar Eeg-Tverbakk), owned and funded by the Oslo Agency for Cultural Affairs. osloBIENNALEN FIRST EDITION 2019–2024 sets out to explore the unusual contexts and questions deriving from art in public space through an evolving five-year programme, with participants invited to work with the city, public space and the public sphere, unfolding in time across the city at diverse sites and situations. So far, the Biennial'a list include: Mikaela Assolent, Benjamin Bardinet, Julien Bismuth, Carole Douillard, Ed D’Souza, Mette Edvardsen, Jan Freuchen, Jonas Høgli Major, Sigurd Tenningen, Gaylen Gerber, Hlynur Hallsson, Rose Hammer, Marianne Heier, Michelangelo Miccolis, Mônica Nador and Bruno Oliveira, Michael Ross, Lisa Tan, Øystein Wyller Odden.

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