
Emile Rubino

Emile Rubino’s pictures play with photography’s declarative register. Working through the semantics of picture-making, its discourses and histories, he directs our attention towards the photograph as both an object and a depiction — a thin yet capacious container. By drawing out photography’s relationship to care and labor, his pictures, which often involve a mix of analogue and digital processes, question the notion of 'the photographic’ in order to address its social ramifications.

Rubino (b.1992) lives and works in Brussels. He received his MFA from ICP-Bard, New York, NY (2017), and his BFA from Emily Carr University of Art and Design, Vancouver, Canada (2015). Solo exhibitions include LANDLINE (with Konrad Klapheck), presented by Lucas Blalock and Whitney Hubbs, Situations, New York, NY (2021); Friends & Laundry, Island, Brussels, Belgium (2018). Recent group exhibitions include Saint-Gilles Confidential, LA MAISON DE RENDEZ-VOUS, Brussels, Belgium (2021); Vancouver Carry On, Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Antwerp, Belgium (2018); Ami Omo, Barbara Walters Gallery, Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, NY (2018). Rubino co-edits Le Chauffage magazine, an artist-run publication based between Brussels and Vancouver. His writing has appeared in frieze, CFA, and Text zur Kunst.

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