
I'm Nobody! Who are you?

DASH @ rhizome_, 2022
DASH @ rhizome_, 2022
  • Datum

    03/04/2022 26/06/2022
  • Locatie

    DASH @ Rhizome_, Kortrijk, BE

DASH and rhizome_ are pleased to invite you to the opening of the exhibition

I'm Nobody! Who Are You?

03.04.2022 — 26.06.2022

Participating Artists: Marijke De Roover, Gvantsa Jishkariani, Özgur Kar, Pennie Key, Ryo Kinoshita, Nokukhanya Langa, Leigh Ledare, Bunny Rogers, Tobias Spichtig, Tenant of Culture Curated by Joachim Coucke

After a two years break, DASH opens a new project on location in collaboration with rhizome_, a non-profit exhibition platform for contemporary art in Kortrijk with its roots in the principle of connective thinking.

The exhibition is conceived with a certain need to reflect on the present times. In this turbulent period where global issues are rapidly emerging, it is appropriate to regularly step back and reflect. Introspection in the age of information might not be an evident exercise, but perhaps a necessity.

I'm Nobody! Who are you?
Are you – Nobody – too?
Then there's a pair of us!
Don't tell! they'd advertise – you know!

How dreary – to be – Somebody!
How public – like a Frog –
To tell one's name – the livelong June –
To an admiring Bog!

The title for the exhibition was taken from the poem by the American poet Emily Dickinson. The figure of Dickinson (1830-1886) is fascinating and presents a strong woman in the search for her identity. Who we are is determined by the context in which we live. Social changes and the ‘makeable’ society determine today's context: to be successful in order to be happy. However, the compulsion for success and happiness turns out to have a downside. It leads to a loss of self-awareness and a need to search for who we are in relation to the other. The selected artists approach the theme of identity from different perspectives with the broadest interpretations.

Opening: Saturday 02.04.2022 at 7pm.

Location: Koning Albertstraat 2, 8500 Kortrijk (Belgium)

Open on Sunday between 2pm and 6pm and by appointment.

Contact: info@dashgallery.be & rhizome@monialisa.be

On Saturday 02.04.2022 Avee Gallery opens the new solo exhibition Tour de soleil by Gregory Decock. On walking distance you can find the exhibition BLACK SUN by Ruben Bellinkx at Be-Part.