
Il video rende felici. Videoarte in Italia

Gestures of Collapse
Gestures of Collapse by Helen Anna Flanagan, 2019, 11'
  • Datum

    12/04/2022 04/09/2022
  • Locatie

    Galleria d’Arte Moderna, Roma, IT

Lo schermo dell’arte participates in the exhibition Il video rende felici. Videoarte in Italia by presenting at the Galleria d’Arte Moderna in Rome 10 works by young artists who from 2012 to 2021 took part in the project VISIO European Programme on Artists’ Moving Images.

The selection of works highlights how the generation of VISIO artists born after 1980 was formed at a time in history when confrontation with reality and its representation is often necessary and inevitable.

In occasion of the exhibition the catalogue Video arte in Italia curated by Cosetta Saba and Valentina Valentini (Treccani, 2022) will be published, including an essay by Valeria Mancinelli in which the project Lo schermo dell’arte is examined in the light of the success and development in our country of moving images and artists’ cinema from the early 2000s.

Gestures of Collapse
by Helen Anna Flanagan, 2019, 11'

Presented at Lo schermo dell'arte 2020 in occasion of the exhibition Resisting the Trouble – Moving Images in Times of Crisis
The film is part of VISIO – European Programme on Artists’ Moving Images - 9th edition
Winner of VISIO Young Talent Acquisition Prize (6th edition)

Gestures of Collapse is inspired by a news story about alleged Coca Cola poisoning in numerous high schools in Belgium in the 1990s. After an investigation, the epidemic was recognized as a mass sociogenic illness (MSI): ‘a constellation of symptoms of an organic disease, without identifiable cause, which occurs between two or more people who share beliefs related to those symptoms.’ Gestures of Collapse uses the television news format to reveal the ways in which contagion, rumors, beliefs, emotions, and actions spread. The work reflects on human action, the mimetic unconscious and the ways in which behaviors are predicted, influenced, reproduced and manipulated.

Helen Anna Flanagan (UK/Irland, 1988) combines real events with fictitious narratives to produce video, installation and performance. By constructing and imagining scenarios — often making use of the category of the absurd — she investigates social structures and the political subtext of the everyday, focusing on affects and emotions, labor and the body. Her works have been shown in numerous international film festivals such as Go Short International Film Festival, Sharjah Film Platform, November Film Festival, Proyector Plataforma de Videoarte, Experiments in Cinema v.5.1, Film and Video Poetry Symposium, Plymouth Contemporary and Art Rotterdam. Helen is the winner of the 2019 IKOB Feminist Art Prize and is part of the post-academic residency at HISK (2019-2020).

by Eva Giolo, Belgium 2016, 4'

Presented at Lo schermo dell'arte 2019 in occasion of the exhibition VISIO. Moving Images After Post-Internet
The film is part of VISIO – European Programme on Artists’ Moving Images - 8th edition

Working on personal stories through documentary strategies, Giolo’s films create windows into unseen intimate inner worlds. At the core of this film collage is the artist’s search for the face of her deceased twin brother, who died without leaving behind any photographic or film record. Using archive footages and her own home movies, surprisingly his absence is rendered perceptible through a profusion of images. The film becomes an indirect portrait as the confirmation of an existence.

Eva Giolo is a musician, audio visual artist and filmmaker. She obtained her BFA and MFA from the Media Arts Department at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Ghent in Belgium and Kanazawa College of Art, Japan. Giolo’s work is made of filmic portraits; it shows a propensity to capture familial stories – of her own or of another’s. Her work was shown at Size Matters, Vienna; FIDMarseille; M HKA, Antwerp; Courtisane Festival, Ghent; Kunsthalle Wien; Rencontres International Paris/Berlin; Imagine Science Film Festival, New York; CoĚ‚teĚ court, Paris. Eva Giolo is a founding member of elephy, a Brussels-based production and distribution platform for film and media art. She is currently a post-grad art resident at HISK in Ghent (2018-2020) and will start the WIELS residency in Brussels in 2020.