
Apples & Oranges. An artists' publications and multiple fair

Apples & Oranges. Photo: Alexandra Bertels
Apples & Oranges. Photo: Alexandra Bertels

Apples & Oranges brings together artists engaging in experimental publishing and, through their work, probing the extremities of this term. Combining a curated fair section with a lively public programme of performances, interventions and talks, the event presents a variety of material, digital and performative approaches to artists’ publications. By reaching across disciplinary boundaries and engaging with practices, formats, and genres on the fringe —self-publishing, collective writing and reading, fan-fiction, zines, book-objects…—it creates a platform for debate on what publishing as an artistic practice may mean today.

The title, Apples & Oranges, alludes to Clive Phillpot’s notorious fruit salad diagram — comparative in nature and yet open to necessary nuance. In that diagram, apples and pears yield lemons, illustrating an impossible attempt at categorising the plethora of forms resulting from the marriage of ‘art’ and ‘books’.

One of the most interesting things about artists’ publications, and self-publishing in particular, is that it is often an engine for collaboration and leads to the development of intricate systems of networks and ‘scenes’. Apples & Oranges features a sample of these networks and, at the same time, encourages new connections to emerge.

Publishing means bringing something out to the world, sharing it with others – sometimes in direct proximity, but often at a distance. Publications travel through different, more or less visible and official distribution channels, passing from hand to hand, getting further and further away from their makers. Apples & Oranges presents an opportunity for an encounter between the publication makers, lovers, and public, for the flow of transactions and other non-monetary exchanges.


Ana Mendes — An Onghena — BALTA (Anne-Marie Durand) — Ben Leenen — Che Go Eun + Metal Power Protection (Yemo Park & Xavier Frederick) — CLAUS BOOKS(Ines Claus) — CLUBEFEMEER (Arnaud De Wolf & Maarten Vanermen) Dries Segers — Ella De Burca — Emily Kelly — Gilles Hellemans­ — Ignace Schretlen — Intermetz (Remco Roes & Koenraad Claes) — Josephine Kaeppelin — Karina Beumer —­ Katrin Kamrau — Level Five / Salon Sale — Lize Plomteux —Lucia Mrakovcic — Marieke Gelissen —­ Maud Vande Veire —Nabil Aniss — Nina Glockner — Olivier Leu — Pierre Corric — Pink House Press (Ersi Varveri & Gijs Waterschoot) —­ PXL-MAD studenten (Celine Mannens, Aline De Feyter, Laura Kreemers, Marta Guidotti, Fay Janssen) — Reinier Vrancken —­ Rod Summers — Wannes Missotten — William Ludwig Lutgens — Wool Collective (Eline De Clerq & Koyuki Kazahaya)


Siwar Kraytem & Rasha Dakkak — ­Ryan Gander — Niels Poiz — Martine Folkersma — Marjolein Guldentops — Adrijana Gvozdenovic


All profit from the sale of the works remains with the artist. The fair section and public programme are curated by a group of professionals from the partner organisations. The selection takes place directly and via the open call. All artists whose practice involves experimental publishing and writing are welcome to apply.


The fair takes place at the compressors hall at C-mine, Genk (1st floor of the Energy Building) on the 2nd of October, from 12 am until 6 pm. The list of the participating artists will be announced in August, and the results of the open call will be made known in early September. The public programme unfolding in the same space during the fair will follow soon. The entry is free of charge.

Apples and Oranges is a collaboration between CIAP & FLACC, Genk; KRIEG, PXL Mad, Zero Desk, Hasselt; B32, Maastricht; C-mine, Genk. With kind support of the Flemish Community, the city of Genk and CIAP members.