
Anne Van Boxelaere. A Minute, A Day

Anne Van Boxelaere 20221117 1
  • Datum

    21/01/2023 18/02/2023
  • Locatie

    FRED&FERRY, Antwerpen, BE


We are delighted to invite you to the opening weekend of 'A Minute, A Day', Anne Van Boxelaere's second solo exhibition at the gallery, on 21 and 22 January.

Van Boxelaere's figurative and abstract works are distinct interpretations of the same world. They are heartfelt observations of schizophrenic societal systems and oppressive developments, of the insane speed with which this life, this planet is consumed. But also of a beauty, a connection, a light, that can interrupt the frenzy, even if for mere seconds. Some situations can be articulated concretely, even require enunciating; in others, much more is said in silence.

The exhibition runs from 21 | 01 - 18 | 02 | 2023 and is open Thursday to Saturday from 1-6 P.M. and 7/7 by appointment. Please feel welcome! We sincerely look forward to see you then.

Frederik, Ferry & Eva