
A Beggars Banquet

210326 A Beggars Banquet
  • Datum

    26/03/2021 28/03/2021
  • Locatie

    GALLERY GALLERY, Antwerpen, BE

GALLERY GALLERY organises 'A Beggars Banquet', a group show curated by Rens Cools with Ian De Weerdt, Isabel Fredeus, Arne Jochems, Yen Proesmans and Christiaan Huybrechts.

The project poses the question what the future of GALLERY GALLERY as a "non-profit artist-run initiative" could look like. This question is prompted by the end of a long during renovation and Covid-19 and in the context of the ever-shrinking project funding and the deliberate absence of commercial intentions. As a result, Rens Cools developed the idea to browse through the entire GALLERY GALLERY mailbox, and list every artist who took the initiative to contact GALLERY GALLERY. Out of these contacts he selected his finalized list of participants, using these cornerstones of GALLERY GALLERY as a starting point: performative, time-based, ephemeral, intangible, in situ, (post) conceptual, multidisciplinary and participatory. What better way to question the future of a non-profit artist-run initiative than through a group show with the requesting parties?


Friday 26/03/21 // 14h-21h (Borger Nocturne 26/03 from 18h)
Saturday 27/03/21 // 14h-21h
Sunday 28/03/21 // 14h-21h

Poster: Jeroen Los
Title: Michaël Van Remoortere
Text: Rens Cools