In my practice, mostly consisting of performances and installations, I analyse and dissect the symbols of power structures and social constructions. How are (and were) combinations of colour, material and texture associated with these symbols? By questioning their power status, I am decontextualizing their imposed meanings and leaving space to imagine.
My eclectic method is based on endlessly collecting, documenting, combining, re-using and (re)searching. Therefore, my work entails a practice rather than a production of things. The work is not a static artifact but is formed by different conditions: performers, visitors, architectural conditions (and/or costumes) coming together at a specific moment in time.
I aim for an intimate encounter between work and visitor, in which their own intention often influences the meaning of the work. The exhibition space thus becomes a playful platform where it’s possible to both label the experiment as ‘a work’ (and accept the inherent risks) as well as understanding the expectations of a physical and participative audience.
Jivan van der Ende studied fashion design at ArtEZ Hogeschool voor de Kunsten in Arnhem and moved in 2016 to Belgium, where she obtained her masters in installation art at KASK & Conservatoire in Ghent. In 2020 she initiated and curated the YouTube ArtSpace, an online exhibition platform and showed her first solo-exhibition in LLS Paleis, Antwerpen. In 2021 she was artist in residence at Frans Masereel Centrum, Kasterlee and at M-atelier, Leuven.