
Pepa Ivanova

Graduation year




Pepa Ivanova's work focuses on the materialization of the invisible and exploration in different matters. She deconstruct experiences, bringing awareness of the discrepancies between our unprocessed sensory input and the mind-facilitated construction of our environment.

She employs perceptual and scientific phenomena in contexts, which dissect an idea into fragments of textual data observation, light properties and sounds in order to deconstruct its initial function.

Pepa works across disciplines to explore the multi- sensorial properties of the work, resulting in a polytypic opus of material and immaterial objects she refer to as ‘drawings on to reality’. Owing to the transmedial quality of the work, she often engage in collaborations with scientists, software and hardware experts, performers, and sound artists whose knowledge expands her insights, enabling her to fluidly combine different media to achieve surprising and often subliminal accents to our mundane experiences.

Featured events

Sofia Arsenal Museum of Contemporary Art, Sofia, BG Exhibition


09/09/2021 03/10/2021
Gosset site, Brussel, BE HISK - Alumni Exhibition
Rebekka Löffler, Zustandsorte, 2020
EMERGENT, Veurne, BE Exhibition