
There Is No Such Thing as Abstract Art

Rebekka Löffler, Zustandsorte, 2020
Rebekka Löffler, Zustandsorte, 2020

Abstracte kunst bestaat niet
(There Is No Such Thing as Abstract Art)

'Some anecdote from the end of the 1980s. Canadian artist Royden Rabinowitch is preparing an exhibition in Museum Sztuki in Lodz, Poland. Ryszard Stanislawski was its director from 1966 until 1992. When Stanislawski uses the term “geometric abstract art”, Rabinowitch objects: “Mr Stanislawski, there is no such thing as geometric abstract art.” A somewhat uneasy silence follows. Then, Stanislawski, turning towards the artist, asks him: “How do you know that?”'

Groupshow: 31 October 2021–9 January 2022
Opening hours: Saturday and Sunday (and on Fridays during the autumn holidays), 2–6 pm

Opening: Sunday, 31 October 2021, 3–7 pm
Finissage: 9 January 2022, 2–6 pm

Artists:Kathelijne Adriaensen, Franz Anaïs, Amélie Bouvier, Werner Cuvelier, Dieter Daemen, Frans De Medts, Vincent de Roder, Kamiel De Waal, Jerry Galle, Loek Grootjans, Nathalie Guilmot, Pepa Ivanova, Emi Kodama & Elias Heuninck, Rebekka Löffler, AnneMarie Maes, Rosa Menkman, Wesley Meuris, Jean Katambayi Mukendi, Hilde Overbergh, Royden Rabinowitch, Stéphanie Roland, Sigrid Tanghe, Ane Vester, Sarah Westphal, Michael John Whelan

Place: EMERGENT, Grote Markt 26, 8630 Veurne, Belgium