
Sorana Munsya

Sorana Munsya is a free-lance curator and psychologist living in Brussels. She has a research interest in the notions of fugitivity, opacity, healing and how they are articulated with blackness. Focused on contemporary visual art created by african and black artists, she curated, amongst her latest projects, the solo exhibition of the belgian-congolese artist Leonard Pongo at Bozar (2021), the last solo exhibition of congolese artist Michele Magema at Extra City (2021) and the group exhibition « The Act of Breathing » (2022) in collaboration with Kanal-Centre Pompidou and the solo show of Joud Toamah at the Photoforum Pasquart (Biel, Switzerland). She is part of the editorial team of the belgian art magazine « HART ». She was the assistant curator of the 5th Lubumbashi Biennale of Contemporary Art and wrote for many art catalogues like the 12th Bamako Encounters catalogue, the last belgian solo exhibition catalogue of Pascale Marthine Tayou, « Congoville » exhibition catalogue and others.

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