
Johan Muyle

Johan Muyle was born in Charleroi in 1956. He lives and works in Liège and Brussels. His exhibitions in private galleries and public art centres in Belgium and abroad at international contemporary art fairs and biennials (São Paulo in 1998 and Milan in 2001) make Johan Muyle an important force of the Belgian arts scene.

The singular nature of Johan Muyle’s work – which combines vanities, carnival and humanism – makes him an heir to the Belgian artistic tradition and one of its most representative actors on the international contemporary art scene, as evidenced by his presence in the Visionary Belgium exhibition (curated by Harald Szeemann) at the Centre for Fine Arts – BOZAR in Brussels in 2005, his participation in the exhibition ABC – Contemporary Belgian Art at Le Fresnoy in France in 2012 (curated by Dominique Païni) and the acquisition of his monumental work Het zwarte schaap – Hommage à James Ensor by the Middelheim Museum in Antwerp.

Since 2007 Johan Muyle has directed the sculpture section at the La Cambre (ENSAV), the national school of visual arts in Brussels.

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