HISK curator 2019 & 2020
Daniella Géo is a Belgo-Brazilian researcher, lecturer and curator. Géo holds a PhD and a Master’s degree in Film and Audiovisual Studies from the Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris III. She has a special interest in the politics of representation and the role played by images in the construction of (common) sense, in particular those related to violence and prejudice. Her practice explores appropriation practices and the aesthetic use of non-artistic images, interdisciplinarity, dialogical and non-hegemonic perspectives, and the political potential of art.
Géo has served as curator at the 4e Biennale de Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo, and the 5e Biennale internationale de la Photographie et des Arts visuels de Liège, Belgium. Recent curatorial projects include the first Latin American retrospective of Roger Ballen, Transfigurações (Museum of Modern Art, Rio de Janeiro, Oscar Niemeyer Museum, Curitiba, Museum of Contemporary Art of the University of São Paulo, Caixa Cultural, Brasília); the panorama of Charif Benhelima’s Polaroid work Imagem em Processo (Museum of Contemporary Art, Niterói, Oscar Niemeyer Museum, Curitiba – co-curatorship); Six Solo Exhibitions (Station Museum of Contemporary Art, FotoFest, Houston – co-curatorship); the group exhibitions TRANS(University of Johannesburg Art Gallery, South Africa), Álbum de Família (Centro de Arte Hélio Oiticica, Rio de Janeiro); the experimental residence project Jean Katambayi Mukendi em Residência-Aberta (Casa França-Brasil, Rio de Janeiro), a collaboration with the socially engaged art project Children in the City, Foyer, Brussels, amongst others. She has lectured in symposia and seminars, such as DRC today: a look onto society through art (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro – curator), De-colonising Art, Education, History, Biblioteca Mário de Andrade, São Paulo; Mediating Past, Present, Future, Académie des Beaux-Arts, Kinshasa, DRC; Appropriation and re-contextualization of photographic images in contemporary art, INARRA- Grupo de Pesquisa Imagens, Narrativas e Práticas Culturais/PPCIS – Rio de Janeiro Estate Univerity, etc. Géo is a docent at the Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage, Rio de Janeiro.