
Xander Karskens

Xander Karskens (1973) most recently served as artistic director at the Cobra Museum of Modern Art in Amstelveen, a museum dedicated to researching, collecting and exhibiting the art of the CoBrA group, with a special focus on connections to developments in contemporary art and discourse. In that capacity, he curated exhibitions like 'Radical Social Animal Languages', looking at reverberations of Cobra’s legacy in contemporary practice and combines the work of Appel, Constant, Corneille, Dotremont and Wolvecamp with that of Jonas Ohlsson, Erik van Lieshout, Navid Nuur and Raphaela Vogel; and 'Le Corbusier's 4th Dimension', in which the artistic work of Le Corbusier was critically revisited through the lens of Jakob Kolding's practice. Earlier, Karskens was curator of contemporary art at Frans Hals Museum | De Hallen Haarlem, where he worked on exhibitions and collections, and related programs. At De Hallen Haarlem, Karskens curated solo exhibitions with a.o. Evelyn Taocheng Wang, Kasper Bosmans (2017), Philippe Van Snick, Cécile B. Evans, Meiro Koizumi (2016), Erkka Nissinen (2015) Michel Auder, Melanie Gilligan (2014), Roger Hiorns, Charles Atlas (2012), Daan van Golden, Matt Stokes (2011), Nathaniel Mellors, Navid Nuur (2010), Guido van der Werve, Slater Bradley (2009), Juergen Teller, Andro Wekua (2008), Erik van Lieshout & Kelley Walker (2007). Group exhibitions include 'The Present Order is the Disorder of the Future' (2007), 'The Knight’s Tour' (2009), 'Body/Space Mechanics' (2010), 'Superficial Hygiene' (2014), and 'A Modest Proposal for Radical Bouregoisie' (2015). Amongst other international projects, Karskens curated the Finnish National Pavilion at the 57th Venice Biennale: 'The Aalto Natives' by Nathaniel Mellors and Erkka Nissinen.

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