
Wilfried Huet

Wilfried Huet lives in Antwerp. He is an artist and as such a squatter. He takes on different forms in his art and aims to develop the same song in multifold circumstances. His artworks are to be found in a/o MuZEE in Ostend (BE), MuHKA in Antwerp (BE), the Neues Museum Weserburg in Bremen (DE), etc… and in collections. In 1981 he was the founder of the artists initiative GA (1981-1991), in Waasmunster (BE), where he organized some 100 exhibitions, a no/low budget enterprise often in close collaboration with artists, museums and collections worldwide.

In the millennium year 2000 he was the founder and sole operator of the global project GAGARIN, A Journal of Artists Writings. He achieved the publication in 2016. The 33 issues of GAGARIN published document the first decades of this century in artists writings. Wilfried Huet was the curator of the exhibitions : "GAGARIN The First Decade" (2009-2010) at S.M.A.K. in Ghent, "See how the Land Lays" (2016-2017) at the former High Council of the Netherlands (Huis Huguetan) in Den Haag (NL), "GAGARIN, SLOMINSKY, BEUYS" (2016) at Gallery West in Den Haag, "The String Traveller" (2017) at S.M.A.K in Ghent, "Wings Grow by Flying" at CNEAI in Châtou (FR), "GAGARIN a Journal of Artists Writings" (2018) at Printed Matter, Inc. in New York, etc… He also organized "S.M.A.K. going GAGA" a multifold GAGARIN manifestation with a/o a marathon reading by GAGARIN-artists. In 2018 he curated the cinema event NO NARRATIVES with films made by GAGARIN artists (Juan Munoz, Koki Tanaka, Edith Dekyndt, Jonas Mekas, Harmony Korine, Apichatphong Weerasethakul, Marijke van Warmerdam, Marilou van Lierop, Peter Downsbrough, Rosa Barba, Adrian Paci, Nathalie Djurberg, Santiago Sierra, Camille Henrot and Philippe Van Wolputte.


Lecturer in

2018, 2019