
Nelson Herrera

Art critic, curator, poet. Nelson Herrera graduated in architecture at the University of Havana. Herrera is part of the curatorial team of the Havana Biennial and the Wifredo Lam Contemporary Art Center since its foundation in 1984. He also served as deputy director of both institutions until he was appointed Director during the period 1999-2001. He has lectured in countries of Latin America, the Middle East, Europe and the United States. Herrera has worked as a curator in various events inside and outside the Cuba. He has authored poetry and essay books. He was a jury of the 2005 Casa de las Américas Award and art events in Latin America and Europe. In 2008 Herrera was appointed General Curator of the XVI Paiz Biennial of Guatemala. He has been honored with the Guy Pérez Cisneros National Critic of Arts Award in 2007 and 2016 and, in addition, the 2013 National Curatorship Award, both in Cuba.

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