
Lucas Morin

Lucas Morin (b. 1993, France) is a curator at Jameel Arts Centre, Dubai, since 2021. His work highlights the tangible material vestiges and less-tangible emotional affects of queer desire, colonial histories, labour relations, and human-animal interactions. He holds a particular interest in research-based practices with social and historical content. In 2016-19, Lucas Morin was Curator at Bétonsalon – Center for Art and Research, in Paris, and previously worked at the Sursock Museum in Beirut. He holds a Masters degree from Sciences Po in Paris and a BA in Philosophy from Paris Sorbonne University.

Exhibitions he curated include solo exhibitions by Candice Lin (2017-18) at Bétonsalon, Paris, and Portikus, Frankfurt/Main; Gaëlle Choisne (2018) and Jean-Charles de Quillacq (2019) at Bétonsalon, Paris; Samson Young (2021) and Taus Makhacheva (2022) at Jameel Arts Centre, Dubai. Group exhibitions and programmes include Lateral Recovery Position (2019) at Bétonsalon, Paris; Emotional Labor (2020) at La Box, Bourges; to Thomas (2020) at La Box, Bourges, and Ygrec, Aubervilliers; The Birdcage (2020) at Goethe-Institut Bangkok.

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