
Linnea Semmerling

Linnea Semmerling is a curator, researcher and writer interested in the relationships between technologies, institutions and the senses. She holds a BA in Cultural Studies from Maastricht University, a MA in Art Studies from the University of Amsterdam and recently completed her PhD in Technology Studies with her dissertation "Listening on Display: Exhibiting Sounding Artworks 1960s-now". Semmerling organized exhibitions at ZKM Karlsruhe (DE), IKOB Eupen (BE), TENT Rotterdam (NL) and Marta Herford (DE) and contributed to catalogues (ZKM Karlsruhe, Skulpturenmuseum Glaskasten Marl), art magazines (Kunstforum International, Metropolis M) und academic journals (Organised Sound, Leonardo Electronic Almanac). Since 2020, she runs the Düsseldorf Inter Media Art Institute (IMAI), a foundation dedicated to the collection, distribution, presentation and conservation of time-based media art.

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