
Lars Kwakkenbos

Lars Kwakkenbos is a historian and art historian. He lives and works in Brussels and Ghent. During the past two decades he has been working as a writer, a dramaturg and a teacher, reflecting on the political and cultural horizons of artistic practices and works of art. Since 2001 he has published articles on visual and performing arts and architecture in newspapers and magazines such as De Standaard, A+, A10 and Etcetera and worked as a writer and editor for organizations such as Flanders Architecture Institute, Vlaams Bouwmeester, Kaaitheater en Kunst/Werk. From 2002 to 2007 he worked for Klara, the arts and culture radio channel of the national broadcaster. From 2008 to 2017 he worked for the Kunstenfestivaldesarts in Brussels as dramaturg, and he also collaborated on #nofilter, a socio-cultural project with youngsters involving the Brussels youth organisations Chicago, AJM and TransfoCollect. Since 2008 he is teaching at KASK & Conservatorium.

Lecturer in

2013, 2021