
Helena Kritis

Helena Kritis (°1981) is a curator at WIELS Centre for Contemporary Art in Brussels. She’s also a member of the short film selection committee for the International Film Festival Rotterdam (IFFR) since 2017.

Between 2008 and 2019 she was in charge of the visual and audiovisual arts program at the multidisciplinary arts centre Beursschouwburg in Brussels where she curated solo exhibitions with emerging artists like Luis Lazaro Matos, Hana Miletic, Nora Turato and Margarita Maximova.

Additionally, she invited numerous international artists for screenings, presentations or performances such as Milo Rau, Wu Tsang & Boychild, Tarek Lakhrissi, Laure Prouvost, Louis Henderson, Yuri Ancarani, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Pauline Boudry & Renate Lorenz, Mounira Al Solh etc.

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