
Heidi Voet

Lives and works in Taipei and Brussels.

The multidisciplinary practice of Heidi Voet is concerned with the place of an individual in contemporary societies, and locating this within cultural, historical and universal narratives. The interconnectivity of these elements is evoked in her practice through the use of everyday objects which are placed in large scale installations, sculptures and performances, creating links between the singular object or individual, and larger entities.

Informed by her transcultural experience of both residing in Europe and Asia, mass produced objects are remade, copied or crafted, as a way to convey the distribution of cultural legacies, value systems and time. With a humorous and playful approach Heidi Voet builds layered images which expose the properties of today’s material culture, while challenging fixed systems of power embedded within.

Heidi Voet had recent solo exhibitions in Project Fulfill Art Space Taipei (TW, 2020); Sint-Lukas gallery Brussels (B, 2018); BANK Shanghai (CN, 2015); FLACC Genk (B, 2009).

She participated in group exhibitions as Beaufort21 Triennale (B, 2021); Unfolding: Fabric of our life, CHAT Center for Heritage, Art and Textile Hong Kong (HK, 2019); PLAY, Kortrijk (B, 2018); How beautiful it is and easily it can be broken, S.M.A.K. Ghent (B, 2017); Why not ask again? 11th Shanghai Biennale, Shanghai (CN, 2016); The Morality Reflex, CAC Center for Contemporary Art Vilnius (LT, 2016); and Un-Scene, Wiels Brussels (B, 2008).

Lecturer in