
Antoinette Jattiot

Antoinette Jattiot is a curator assistant, editor and researcher across the field of visual arts and alongside Belgian and French Institutions (Biennale de Venise, M Leuven, WIELS, Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Centre Pompidou) international galeries (Almine Rech Gallery), artists and collaborators.

She is currently working at La Loge art center as a curator of public programmes. In the past she has worked as a curator assistant, editor and researcher across the field of visual arts and alongside Belgian and French Institutions (Venice Biennale, M Leuven, WIELS...) international galeries (Almine Rech Gallery), artists and collaborators.

As a text worker, she is a regular contributor for several art magazines such as revue 02, l’art même, Espace Art Actuel. Recent independent curatorial projects include GOGO by Marie Glaize & Flore Eckmann (2022); Though, All the room be motionless by Anaïs Chabeur (V2Vingt, 2021). She is also an educator at ESA Le 75 (Creative writings) and occasionally participates in school juries. Antoinette is a member of AICA/BVKC.

She was born in Nancy (France) and lives and works in Belgium since 2015, after a period of life between Paris and Germany. She holds a German-French Master degree in Arts History (Ecole du Louvre Paris / Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg), a Bachelor in Arts History (Ecole du Louvre) and in French-German Studies (Paris 3, Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris).

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