
What Stories Want

210312 What Stories Want Che Go Eun
  • Date

    21/03/2021 04/04/2021
  • Location

    Extra City Kunsthal, Antwerpen, BE

Che Go Eun, Tom Hallet, Julia Dahee Hong, Béla Juttner and Joud Toamah conclude their one-year development residency at AAIR by proposing new stories.
Each artist decrypts the codes and power dynamics of narratives within different arenas: Joud Toamah speculates on photography, Béla Juttner makes performances with garments and fashion, Tom Hallet unearths queer countercultures, Che Go Eun digs into manga and cyberculture, and Julia Dahee Hong departs from writing itself.
Curated by Laurens Otto.

Please book your free ticket in advance via Eventbrite

Che Go Eun will present her new publication as well, called "Myself as a sexandroid, became a nanny of cute young master!?", comic books with riso print with random tiny hand drawings inside (24 pages, 50 editions, 20 euros).