
Sofia Caesar. Rituals for the camera

Sofia Caesar, 2022
Sofia Caesar, 2022

On the occasion of the last day of the group exhibition Dear Yves, KIOSK organizes a screening of Sofia Caesar's Rituals for the camera (work in progress) at KASKcinema at 3 p.m., followed by a conversation between the artist and Ellen C. Feiss at 5 p.m..

Ellen C. Feiss is a writer and Ph.D. candidate in the History of Art department at the University of California, Berkeley. Her writing has appeared in venues such as Afterall, Camera Austria, andRadical Philosophy, among other collections and catalogs. She is part of the collective KIAD (with Hana Miletić, Karisa Senavitis, and Kym Ward) which formed at the Jan van Eyck Academie in 2014.

Sofia Caesar is an artist from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, currently living in Brussels. Rooted in dance practices and somatic therapies, Caesar’s work evokes physical states between activity and passivity, labour and rest, movement and pause. In the past years Caesar has shown work in institutions such as the Transmediale (DE), Much Museum (NO), Moscow Biennial (RUS), M HKA (BE), SFMOMA (USA), A Tale of a Tub (NL), Tomie Ohtake Institute (BR), Centro de Arte Hélio Oiticica (BR) amongst others.

This event us supported by LUCA School of Arts