HISK - News

Collaboration HISK - SAFFCA (Southern African Fellowship for Contemporary Art)

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  • Date

    06/09/2022 30/06/2023
  • Location

    Abbaye de la Cambre, Brussel, BE

SAFFCA (Southern African Fellowship for Contemporary Art) is a non-profit organisation focused on emerging artists from Africa and Europe, Brussels residents of all ages and nationalities and students and their professors. Their aim is to share art and celebrate the wealth and diversity of emerging or independent artists in Brussels and Africa.

Each year, SAFFCA welcomes 8 artists in their residency programme, pairing one African artist with one European artist for a period of 8 - 10 weeks. From June till September they provide an artist studio for 4 artists recently graduated from La Cambre or another Flemish art school. Next to the residency programme, SAFFCA organises a two to three week exhibition for early to mid career artists who are not represented by an art gallery.

After entering into a first partnership with ENSAV La Cambre, HISK and SAFFCA started their collaboration on September 6 2022 by inviting Luca Vanello (HISK alumnus 2020) and Marie-Fleur Lefebvre (HISK alumnus 2015). Both Luca and Marie-Fleur will be working in the SAFFCA ateliers from September 2022 till June 2023 together with La Cambre graduates Kamand Razavi, Jeanne Detot and Charlotte Quinonero. Artists Strydom Khwezi (France) and Lindo Zwane (South Africa) will be in residency in the Abbey from the beginning of September 2022 till the end of October 2022.

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